TOP Ten EGGLESS Baking Recipes

1.  Eggless French opera cake- A delicious recipe to eat

Opera cake as the name tells us is a French dessert and it is beautiful to behold and elegant to create. This delicious dish has its main ingredients like ground almonds, blanched and baking powder. You can also add chocolate coffee syrup to make it more mouth-watering.

2. Eggless butter cookies recipe / cookies without baking soda and baking powder-

These are the simple cookies with awesome buttery taste and are made by adding simple dry fruits which makes it more flavored dish to serve your family. If you have guest in the house and have less time serve them then cookies can play an important role in your serving.

3. Eggless Atta cake- for the health conscious people.

Healthier than your usual cake, this rich cake won’t make you feel conscious about your health but also it will give the taste of nuts in it which makes it delicate to serve. This cake is crunchy which loved by the small children.

4. Eggless marble cake- A delectable dish to munch:-

The sweet combination of Vanilla and Chocolate Streaks.  This dish can add a purpose to smile while you have chit chat at the tea time in the evening. Easy to make and beautiful to serve.

5. Eggless almond and cashew cake-

A soft and spongy cake studded with almonds and cashews. Serve it with simplicity and add fancy to it.

6. Eggless cake date- Cake to make your date flawless

This date cake is delicious when it is served with strawberry ice cream.

7. Eggless Red Velvet CAKE RECIPE / How to make red velvet cake | VALENTINE’S DAY RECIPE 

Red velvet cake is a beautiful cake with an awesome texture and mouth-watering taste. It is the combination of cocoa powder, butter milk and red food coloring. If you want your valentine to be finest with your partner then go for this velvet cake recipe. 

8. Eggless banana cake-

Ripped bananas ripped with nutty walnuts can add an umm taste to the dish. The chocolate powder can add the pleasant munch to the dish.

9. Eggless whole wheat chocolate cake-

The shape and texture Eggless Baking to cake is so pleasant that it is impossible to convince the people around that it is made up of wheat. So this is best thing for tea time break.


10. Eggless sponge cake-

An eggless recipe of sponge cake makes it delicious and spongy to add up with the pineapple and almond praline cake.


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